Congressional Challenger Conforti Blasts Casten for Rising Costs Affecting 6th District

To: Media
Date: 08/18/2024
From: Conforti for Congress
Re: Congressional District 6 Challenger, Niki Conforti, denounces Sean Casten for helping to drive prices higher, hurting the people of the 6th District.

Last week’s inflation report brought more bad news for all Americans. 

Prices continued to increase in July and went up again, close to 3% over a year ago. This hurts pocketbooks and savings of the people in the district.  Since Congressman Sean Casten (D-Downers Grove) took office in January 2019, inflation has gone up 24.97%!  That means that $100 earned or in the bank when he took office is only worth $80 today.

“People don’t want to live like this”, chided Niki Conforti. “They are struggling because of the higher cost of living due to inflationary pressures.”

Many economists believe deficit federal spending helps fuel inflation.  The now $35 trillion national debt, resulting from deficit spending, is $13 trillion higher than when Congressman Casten went to Washington — 60% higher. 

Congressman Casten continues to push policies that require deficit spending and add to the national debt – causing inflation. He is rated as a “Big Spender”, earning an “F” and a lowly 2% by National Taxpayer Union and Citizens Against Government Waste respectively, based on his 2023 spending and tax votes.

“We must curb inflation. When I am in Congress, I will protect people of the district from inflation by working to control deficit spending”, cited Niki Conforti.

One option Congress must consider is a debt commission to recommend solutions to the terrible, inflationary deficit-spending problem. Congressman Casten is once again working against the American people – and the people of District 6 by opposing this commission. He signed a letter to House leaders January 11, 2024, opposing legislation to create such a commission, in which he said, “Let’s be clear, a Commission is not the solution.”

The 6th congressional district includes eastern portions of DuPage County, Southwest suburban Cook County, and 3 Chicago wards. Niki Conforti is a professional in the energy industry with prior healthcare industry experience. She resides with her family in suburban Glen Ellyn.

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